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a family get-together
家庭聚餐  detail>>
family get-together”consomme
清汤全家福“  detail>>
get together with family members
与家人团聚  detail>>
small family get-together
来个小型家庭聚会  detail>>
have our big family get-together
我们一家子大团圆  detail>>
get it together
沉着冷静  detail>>
get together
参加社交聚会 会面,装配 集合,聚集 集会;聚会 集会;召集;收集 聚会,联欢 聚集, 收集, 积累 聚集,集合 聚集,...  detail>>
get together with
与…联欢  detail>>
 n.  (非正式的)会谈,会商;〔美国〕联欢会;集会。 2. adj.  协议的;会商的;大群人的。  detail>>
get back together
我们复合吧  detail>>
get it (all) together
不慌不忙;沉着冷静  detail>>
get together (in a hall)
相聚一堂  detail>>
get together again
破镜重圆  detail>>
get together the fragments
收拾碎片  detail>>
get together to do
聚在一起做…  detail>>
have a get-together
举行聚会 聚会  detail>>
informal get-together session
非正式会面  detail>>
lets get together now
让我们一起跳  detail>>